About Kirch P. Andrews

as a babyHe was born in 1970 in beautiful Flagstaff, Arizona. My parents grew up poor and he middle class. He is half-Hispanic and half-German. He roots for underdogs and compete with fierce determination in whatever he does. He believes in equality and integrity as foundations for engaging humanity. He graduated from the University of Arizona in 1993 and from the University of Texas at Austin with an MBA in 1996. He spent five years at Dell Computer innovating new technologies and techniques for operating a business in the Internet age. He soon founded my own software company and served as CEO for three years before joining United Devices, a player in the cutting-edge world of Grid computing and in silico drug discovery, as the VP of Marketing and Business Development.

About the novel

Leapfrog was started during business school in 1995 as an outlet from case studies and financial statements. During this time, my father was diagnosed with a rare form of prostate cancer. Eight months later, he was gone. Through difficult times, the novel was finished but a business career was already in full swing. For the next eight years, several drafts were completed and then stored away and forgotten.

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